
Living Deliberately, Living Well (ver. 3.0) is an independent publication launched in April 2024 by Becky Vartabedian. Living Deliberately, Living Well - LDLW for short - insists that there are lessons from philosophy that have value for our everyday lives, no matter how and where we live these.

Becky Vartabedian works as a writer and has a job as a philosophy professor. Her writing is interdisciplinary, drawing on philosophy, history, film studies, politics and political theory, aesthetics, the work of art-making, religion, and math. She has contributed poetry and creative non-fiction to anthologies published by Arts, Letters and Numbers, as well as to anthologies produced in connection with the Denver Writing Project (2017, 2019, 2020). Her scholarly work has appeared in Open Philosophy, in Philosophy for the Contemporary World, the American Philosophical Association Newsletter for Teaching Philosophy, and in other edited volumes in press or in the world. In 2018 her first book - Multiplicity and Ontology in Deleuze and Badiou - was published by Palgrave MacMillan. It currently has zero reviews on Amazon.

Becky earned her Ph.D. in Philosophy from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. She has graduate degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies (concentrations in philosophy and film studies) and in Philosophy of Religion. She is a fan of the Pittsburgh Pirates, noodles in broth, picking heavy things up and putting them down again, and speculative and science fiction. She appeared on an episode of Jeopardy! in 2008. She shares a very interesting life with her husband, Andrew, and their basenji comrades Luke and Lucille, in Denver.

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