
Hi! I'm Becky Vartabedian. Thanks for visiting.

Living Deliberately, Living Well (LDLW 3.0) is written by Becky Vartabedian. LDLW is a collection of writing that insists lessons from philosophy have value for our everyday lives. Especially here, and especially now.

Becky Vartabedian is a writer, philosopher, and teacher who lives and works on Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute land (Denver, Colorado). Becky's writing is interdisciplinary, calling on philosophy, film, art and art-making, history, religion, and sometimes mathematics. A sample of Becky's writing is here. Becky also writes about teaching, often in collaboration with her colleagues at Regis University in Denver, where Becky is Associate Professor of Philosophy. She is also part of the community of scholars that comprise the Denver Project for Humanistic Inquiry, or D-Phi. She's offered public art tours, participated on panel discussions, and facilitated Q & A for an international film director who was not excited to be Q'ed and had far fewer As for the audience. Ask her about it sometime - it's a funny story.

Becky has a side gig as the Director and Lead for Equitable Change Management at Compass Ethics, an organizational ethics consultancy. Becky has worked with a variety of clients, from Fortune 500 companies to equity-minded small businesses and non-profits to evaluate processes, procedures, and products in ways that promote equity and transformation.

Born and raised in the Denver area, Becky lives in Denver with her husband, Andrew, and two basenji comrades named Luke and Lucille. Becky earned her Ph.D. in philosophy from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA; she has graduate degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies (philosophy and film studies) and philosophy of religion. She likes school, noodles in broth, the Pittsburgh Pirates, and is unapologetic in her appreciation of the Jackass canon of films. Becky is also a member of the Powerlifting team at the Denver Barbell Club, and competes in the raw master's (45-49) 100kg category. She appeared on an episode of Jeopardy! in April 2008. She did not win.